Monday, March 15, 2010

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths - 6/10

IMDB / Wiki

While DC may not be up to par with Marvel when it comes to live action movies, I think it's safe to say that almost all comic fans would agree that they reign supreme when it comes to animation. DC Universe's 7th film, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, continues the line of great work that DC has been releasing as of late.

The film actually has a pretty interesting back story. Originally, this story was written as a movie to be released between the end of Justice League and the beginning of Justice League Unlimited, cartoon series which ran from 2001 - 2004 and 2004 - 2006 respectively. If you are familiar with either show, you will see towards the end of this movie how this would have been a good way to bridge the two series.

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths Trailer

The idea of a multiverse has been around for a long time in the DC universe, both in the comics and in the animated cartoons. However, the story behind this movie is loosely taken from early Justice League comics which introduced the Crime Syndicate, a group of superheroes who exist on a parallel earth. They are basically the antithesis to the Justice League of our world. Despite the origin of this story being based around a group introduced in the comics, the actual story line is an original and not based off of any one comic in particular.

Despite being fairly short, though all DC Universe movies are, the film manages to create an original story that deals with a large variety of characters and pretty much does all of them justice. The movie starts out with The Jester (think anti-Joker) and Lex Luthor fighting members of the Justice League. It becomes obvious fairly soon that these are not the same heroes/villains from our earth, but are actually beings from a parallel universe.

Through out the film, Lex, with the help of our earth's Justice League, tries to save his planet from the Crime Syndicate, who are trying to control their world through brute force. I really enjoy how they portray the Crime Syndicate almost like a mob family in that each one of their members has a "family" of villains that work for them. In the beginning of the film they argue over things such as turf and power among the group. It makes the group seem much more interesting than if they were just some random group of people thrown together.

I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll stop the summary here. While this isn't the best film in the world by any means, it is definitely a good watch for a fan of DC. I would rate this above Superman: Doomsday and Superman/Batman: Public Enemies. I think this film excels because of the fact that it is an original story, and it doesn't have to try and adapt a comic into an hour long film. The only reason I didn't rate this film higher is because there wasn't anything that really made me say "WOW!" It was definitely a good film, no doubt about it, but I'm not sure it's one that I could watch over and over again.

Lastly, if you're as much of a Batman fan as I am, you may be slightly disappointed in his absence in the first half of the film. I'll just say to stick with it, because he plays a much bigger part towards the end!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - 8/10

IMDB / Wiki / RT / BO

Before I even started this movie, I knew it was held in high regards in just about every critics circle there is. Before reading up on the film I just imagined it being some generic western, though I can't say I've honestly seen many western films in the first place so I don't really know what I expected. I was however, pleasantly surprised.

The movie clocks in at just under 2 hours and seems a bit slow at some points, but the time taken to focus on the characters is well worth it. After watching Heat a few weeks back, I thought nothing could top the shoot out scenes in that film, but the last 15 minutes of this one gives Heat a run for it's money.

Great film, I would definitely recommend it to anyone, even if you're not a fan of westerns or crime films.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

She's Out of My League

She's Out of My League - 5/10

IMDB / Wiki / RT / BO

Ha, it's only appropriate that this movie gets a 5/10. I think this movie had a lot of potential, but it just didn't deliver at all. I really didn't like the interaction between Kirk and his friends. I'm not too sure why, but none of it seemed natural at all. Up until about half way through the movie I was pretty much ready to walk out.

As soon as Kirk brings Molly home to his family, the movie starts to pick up a little bit. If they would have treated this a little bit more like "Meet The Parents" I think this movie could have been a lot better.


Sleepers - 8/10

IMDB / Wiki / RT / BO

That was a pretty intense movie. I really liked it though and I'm starting to enjoy crime movies a lot more now than I use to.

The film is basically about a group of four friends who end up in a correctional facility at a young age. They have to put up with the abuse of the guards at the facility and can never forget what went on there. Now, many years later, they enact their revenge on the men who changed their lives.

This was a really good movie and I'm surprised I hadn't heard about it before this week. I would definitely recommend this movie if you're up for something pretty intense.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth

Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth - 6/10

IMDB / Wiki / RT / BO

This film was alright, but it's not very similar to the first two films in the series. In fact, if the first two movies were done in this style, I don't think there would have been many sequels (if any), though there were five more movies made after this one so what do I know?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hellraiser II - Hellbound

Hellraiser II - Hellbound - 7/10

IMDB / Wiki / RT / BO

I found this to be an improvement over the original. This film is actually a continuation of the second film as oppose to the remainder of the series whose only consistency are the cenobites. This film is also the last of the series that is more of a psychological trippy kind of movie rather than a typical horror flick.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hellraiser - 6/10

IMDB / Wiki / RT / BO

Decent horror flick with the classic Cenobites, led by Pinhead. I just wish there was more of him in it. I kind of liken this movie to the first of Friday the 13th. Yes, they are a good start to good franchises, but I feel they improve later on.